Thursday, 15 October 2009

What is Manhunt?

ManHunt is a game of hide and seek (think Kick the Can, It, 40-40, Sticks, etc) which is typically played by students in North America. A group of us decided to bring it over here to the UK. Oh, and it rocks!

This year we're running a ManHunt season that goes from 5th May 2010 through to Wednesday 16th June 2010. We play every Wednesday night and there's a new location every week. It's free to join, free to play and, provided that you are over 18 years of age, open to all.


-A new location every week.

-Everyone is welcome, bring as many friends as you want!!!

-Armbands are provided but you may bring your own if they are highly visible.

-Come for one or both of the games.


Manhunt is a hide-and-seek variant. The game starts out with one person, known as the MANHUNTER, who is “it”. After the manhunter has been selected, the FUGITIVES have 120 seconds to hide.

If a FUGITIVE is tagged by a MANHUNTER, she or he is BRAINWASHED and forced to join the side of the MANHUNTERS. At the end of the designated time limit, all FUGITIVES who have not been arrested are declared the winners.

Play occurs within predetermined boundaries. If a FUGITIVE exits these boundaries for any reason, she/he joins the MANHUNTERS. Players are identified as being distinct from the general civilian population by means of a HIGHLY-VISIBLE ARMBAND.

leopards leaping

More details:

You must keep moving, and not hide in one place for too long.

1-2 people will begin as Manhunters, chosen at random

Everyone will have some time to escape

You become a manhunter once someone tags you

If you go out of the boundaries, you become a manhunter

Typically we play over a radius of one city block, the perimeter of which is made clear at the start of each game.

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